The Cathedral Arctic

November 16, 2006

Return to Blogging

Filed under: Blogging — inaeth @ 1:43 am

It’s that time of the year again! The weather is turning, the temperature is dipping, and the ground is becoming more and more soggy. At least, it is if you reside in the Pacific Northwest. This means I will be seeking my bed a lot earlier in the evening, but I will also be posting more as the daylight hours grow shorter and shorter.

“What?” I hear some people say. “You mean you will actually start posting again after over two months of absence?” Yep, I will. There were reasons for the lack of posts, and the lack of responses on the message boards. Er, I mean the Comments Sections. 🙂

The first thing that got me riled up and lent towards my negligence in posting is the fact that fall always seems to be the busiest time of the year for me. I don’t know why, but I’m beginning to suspect that we are culturally conditioned to become more busy during the autumn then at other times of the year because of the preparations we all go through when we are younger in returning to school, school sports, the harvest (if you are from the Midwest, at least), and then all the preparations one has to go through in order to make sure that the Holidays go off without a hitch. Not to mention that a lot of people are always busy in the even numbered years thanks to the American election cycle that takes place in the majority of states. (Louisiana, of course, being an exception.)

With that, I must point out that I became very involved with the political elections of this year. Like most Americans, I had had enough of the corruption that has been going on in Washington for far to long. Also, I, along with many others, had become alarmed that the direction that this country was heading in was nothing more but a reborn, redressed version of Fascism, and I did not want to look at my peers and just shrug my shoulders. I wanted to look them in the eye and say, “I did something about this, where were you?” Bad governments happen to people who do nothing to stop them. So, with this thought in my mind, I got involved in the netroots initiative. I pounded on doors, and outlined what had been going on in Washington to my less than politically astute friends (who were aghast at what really happens on the Hill, once they started to read the first hand accounts of some of the bills that were being passed, not to mention the amount of corruption and influence peddling that happens on both sides of the aisle). For once, I became involved in the process, and I’m proud of what has been accomplished.

Well, let me rephrase that. I’m proud right now. Now it is up to the people who were elected to continue to earn our (the electorate’s) respect and confidence by passing bills and referendums that are in the average citizen’s best interest, rather than in the best interest of the corporations, the elite, and other entities.

Then, I moved. I didn’t want to, but by the time the last attempted double homicide happened in my old neighborhood, I decided that it was time to get the hell out of dodge. Nothing like chalk outlines in the parking lot of your neighborhood grocery store to emphasize the fact that the neighborhood has gone to the weasels. (I’d say dogs, but dogs have respect, honor, never lie, and are more loyal than the majority of the people that I know.) So, that engendered a process of packing, which is a royal pain in my rear-end. This process made me question just how many 1,500 page books on programming languages I really needed, not to mention all the white papers, HOWTO’s, README files, and printed out drafts of UML code. Ugh.

So, I’m done with my political experience, I’m moved (in a much nicer neighborhood, and I actually have a back yard for my dog again! She’s ecstatic!), and I now have my main desktop computer unpacked and ready to go. Not to mention that my laptop is getting repaired now, so never again will I have the excuse of no computer to blog! 🙂

This means that I will try to continue on with my goal of at least one post a day, continuing the debates with June and Nick! (Hi guys! Missed me?)


  1. Yo. Welcome back.

    Comment by nosugrefneb — November 16, 2006 @ 5:22 am

  2. Thanks! I think the main goal for tonight is to get caught up on your comments section in your blog, along with the other regular bloggers I used to frequent here on WordPress! That should stir up a little controversy and debate again! 🙂

    Comment by inaeth — November 16, 2006 @ 6:09 pm

  3. Excellent news.

    Comment by Matt — November 18, 2006 @ 8:53 pm

  4. Hey welcome back!!! I was getting worried, don’t do that to me :).

    Comment by Nick Gray — November 29, 2006 @ 11:40 am

  5. And he’s gone again… 🙂

    Comment by Nick — December 4, 2006 @ 6:02 am

  6. Hey there was surfing through the internet and found your page on google . Enjoyed the good read wanted to say Happy New Year and keep up the good work.

    Comment by Pet Lover — December 31, 2006 @ 9:09 pm

  7. Nice blog!

    Comment by Livette — April 16, 2007 @ 5:24 pm

  8. Inaeth!!! be a blogger again!!!

    Comment by Javihm77 — September 27, 2007 @ 1:40 am

  9. Sou da assembreia de Deus,ja recebi muitas experiu00eancias com Jesus ,muitas benu00e7as,sou feliz com Jesus por que Deus tem falado comigo,nu00e3o so Click

    Comment by asiahensley83697 — April 8, 2016 @ 5:03 pm

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